Roger Savy was born and raised in South Africa. Qualified as a cardiovascular Perfusionist, he joined the pharmaceutical industry and held many senior positions, first with Merck and then with Bristol Myers Squibb. Roger arrived in the USA in 1997 as Director of Bristol Myers Squib’s international cardiovascular franchise, and in that capacity gave direction to 20, 000 sales professionals across 32 countries.
Roger has many titles but prefers to be known as the “Ambassador of Optimism”.
He has worked with and been endorsed by names such as Budge Huskey (CEO Coldwell Banker international), Michael Maher (Realtor, Author and most connected professional in real estate) and Darren Hardy, world renowned editor of Success Magazine, author and speaker. Other endorsements are from Floyd Wickman (legendary Real Estate Trainer) and Todd Duncan (Author and National master Loan Officer trainer).
Roger is currently a part owner of a mortgage company in San Francisco (Pinnacle Home Loans) and runs his own successful coaching company. He is always sought after as a speaker for his passionate and wise delivery on mindset, systems, strategy and communication.